Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lifting Off

It's Friday, earliest morning hours in Melbourne, Australia....1:45am. The sky is quiet.

It is also a day to be filled with frenetics and business and preparations for a sweep across a giddy globe, regaling countless hearts and minds with stories that they have come from far and wide to hear. The troubadours labor long and hard to reach us in their weary travels.
 I myself embark on a parallel journey soon, one which supplants my daily life for a time. One which is the current high watermark of a path I began walking months ago. It seems like years. So many things can puzzle themselves together to form a picture one never expected when they only saw the fragments in front of them at the hapless beginnings.
I feel the gentle pull of a thread now-tied to my heart-it holds tension and leads me forward from time-to-time. As the coming days pass, the thread will pull harder and more often, until I find myself drawn forth to the origin. Once there, I cannot say what my heart will feel, perhaps a sense of quiet calm-that the string drew me to a place where I....belong? Perhaps it will burst. Only in the moment will I be capable of touching the feeling entirely. Until then I hold my hand to my chest on occasion, and feel the tempered tug.

 We all begin to prepare for the journey, as those who will join it at certain intervals across the world. It may seem an entirely quotidian event, a simple night of musical meanderings. For many of us it is a moment to interface with one of our clearest inspirations.
Some have been driven to great works in response to those of our 'favorite boy.' That is a power not to be minimized. A great force of brilliance and fortitude is required to suss out the silent voices of our genuine nature, be they musical, visual, verbose, physical or emotional. We all carry tiny creatures in our hearts that lie dormant until something truly moving causes them to stir and burst forward. At first their liberation is painful, but when they reach their purpose, all comes full circle and clear as crystal.

But let us not forget the spiraling journey of our source of inspiration as we embark on our own travels. Let us not forget the rigours and challenges and joys and constraints of his appointments with the world. Let us respect his space and his own heart as it sends sparks into the air. It is a gift he gives us; to bother bringing that across oceans and mountains to share so joyously.

Be moved by the music, and be moved most of all to move yourself in response, whatever that may mean for you. And when the moment is over, return to the house to gather and tell your stories, to share your own sparks with one another.
Through those tales will live a legacy that we may all recall when our time in this grander journey of life comes to an end. Those are the things that live on past our mutable mortal selves.

And think on the years yet to come, when we will return to these journeys, we and our favorite boy, and we will rejoice once again together. May there be many of them still to come, and even grander!

In thankful excitement for all!

~~~c.Paige 2012

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