Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tour Dates Blast Out!

>wiping brow and panting< Wow, Wally-fans! Just a couple days off from the internets and I find a deluge of brilliance in the form of numerous added tour dates for late 2012! Blimey! Gotye: RT @GotyeHQ: We've got some big @gotye tour news coming soon! Make sure you are signed up to the mailing list to get the news first! Visit Gotye.com to view the full list of Europe dates! Wally is going to be one busy boy! Add some dedicated non-festival states shows soon??!! PPlllleeeaaasse!
Photo: Flickr Gotye


  1. I keep praying that there will be a blast of new US tour dates. Yes, I know he was here at the end of 2011 and earlier this year, but, really, I/we haven't had enough!

  2. Agreed-although I am feeling like we may not see him return for a significant series of shows for a while, since we already had our shot earlier. Dammnit that I missed Denver in early April!
