Friday, May 11, 2012

A Surprising Email

My Friday morning started a bit differently than usual-with an email in my inbox from a one Walter De Backer. To my joy, it was in fact from Wally, not one of his reps. Thanks, Wally, for taking a moment of your crazy awesome busy life to nod back. You've officially solidified yourself as my musical hero, and clearly you've not forgotten where you come from. You have my ears forever....and probably a good lot of my future funds as well.
Cheers Indeed.


  1. And alas, I will not be sharing said email with many folks. I will be treasuring it for myself for years to come.

  2. hahaha...well, I can see how it might seem like a trick. At first I wondered if I was being tricked or something. Not so, it turns out. And it happened by somewhat of an 'accident' when I purchased something from his website and had a quick question about shipping from Australia. Somehow I ended up having a short conversation with his sales rep "The Gotye mailman" who decided that I ought to be forwarded to Wally. Not one day later I received the message from him. Too bad he hasn't the time to follow this blog...course then he'd probably tell me what's crap.
