Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the Attic

“It’s about combining a story with sound; taking you to a different place.” -Wally

 “In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”
― Rumi

Tonight I feel the urge to own the inner recesses of myself and share them with my fellow fans. I've been moved to move myself, by music and camaraderie-even by the occasional discord. One lesson I have learned and been reminded of time-and-time-again is to be genuine in my expression of myself and to remember that there are probably many who feel as I do. Sometimes a sense of shame impedes that, but I believe the words that come to us in our most quiet moments are our deepest truths. So, if you feel as I do, let us feel this together.

May I call you a friend? Perhaps not such a word....not yet. What shall I call you, then-dear soul that has spoken to my own? And with such kindness and insight. What shall I call you?

Your words, your sounds, they reside inside my mind. That is axiom now, I cannot unfeel what has been felt. I cannot turn my heart from your art. Not now-now that part of me has been recreated with your seal set upon that heart of mine.

Somehow I know your music will be one of my greatest loves-and you, in some fashion, a beloved. From now until my last muted breath I will carry you within me somewhere. You'll see the world through my eyes when you wish it, and you'll slink backward to silence when you must. But you shall always live there.

In "the attic in my mind," dearest friend, your laughter will echo through the rafters and the sound of you singing will ring in my ears.  
You will remain as you are now, so lovely, so bewildering, so conflicted...forever joyful, forever creating, forever young. Forever loved by many...forever loved.


c. Paige 2012


  1. Once again you have nailed it. So eloquently said. I am not so eloquent, so I must say, "Ditto".

  2. In the words of Virgil: “manet alta mente repostum” (roughly “all still is stored deep in the mind”).

    (Totally hope I'm not butchering that in translation!)

  3. Danae commented on FB that this was "one of the most beautiful love letters I've ever read." I certainly had no thought of it as such when I wrote it, but something about that struck me. Yes, it is, although a love of a different nature for certain, it is a letter to that love. Very interesting thoughts there.
