Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blessing and a Curse

As we delve ever deeper into the complex waters of electronic communication, I wonder what the world looks like through eyes that can never escape the view from aloft.

What features does the landscape present from such a high place as that of inescapable fame and recognition? Does reality become attenuated and blurred as it does out the window of an airplane mid flight? Or does one feel a sense of power, to see above all our heads? Would the perspective be a burden?

What sensations are evoked when thousands, millions of desultory voices like mine shout your name? Do you grow tired of your own title, of your own 'self' as you've presented it to an ever-enrapt species? What cost do you accrue assuming the empire? 

And what recompense do we-your followers-pay for the illusion of your glow? Is it an illusion, or are you truly refulgent? 

Are you one of those rare birds that perch atop the tallest tree branch and croon your most lovely, leaving packs of obsessive ornithologists at the forest floor frenetically snapping pictures. Perhaps you revel in the art of being an enigma, a wonder....a genius? Oh, or would you shrug off such a title? Would you defer to others before you whose art informed yours and excuse yourself as merely derivative of their brilliance? Are you merely a passing fancy in the glutted world of popular media? Would you say you feel as nothing more than a drop of honey in the ocean? 

Perhaps you feel distilled and reconstructed as much as your steadfast radio-exhausted single? Perhaps that is merely the nature of your paradigm. You have crafted a fresh axiom for the hearts and minds of many. What does that feel like for you? To be re-imagined within the minds of millions?

Do you recall your days as an eager younger musician bashing out whatever made sense on your drum kit with your high school friends? Do you remember how you belabored over Depeche Mode and Kate Bush albums, sensing some transcendent arc to your consumption of their art? Do you remember where you came from, mattresses piled against walls and sweltering Australian summers? Do you remember being driven by the music, and wondering how to shout your message back at the muse?

This is us....shouting back, through the cacophony. Hello.....thank you. Don't ever give up. It matters to us.

~~~on behalf of 'all'~~~c.P 2012


  1. From one Wall-nut to another...love your blog. ;)

  2. thank you, my fellow nut! Hope you've enjoyed the FB page and all that jazz!
