Thursday, June 14, 2012

Poetic Justice

What a creature are you
That winds these beguiling stories

That grab me by the bones
And pull me
towards occasionally begrudging insight

How do your tricks
Gain my trust
Then leave me stripped and startled
And somewhat saddened
By the distant drumbeats lingering in my chest?

How have you become axiom? What right have you?

What deeper cavities of the heart
Will you colonize
Before I clear my mind

Before I find
Some stillness in the madness?

Tell me pale and oceanic creature!
Why your seal is set inside the hidden places in my mind

c. Paige 2012


  1. It's beautiful, Paige! You can advocate for me any day!

  2. Beautiful. Very eloquently Said. Thank you again, for putting in to words how I feel.
